Anything can happen!

What a great weekend of drumming I had!  Two awesome parties, which both had unusual twists which I have to share......

1) At the first birthday party (Dundas) the father of the birthday drummer came out with a real & very active python around his neck....while that took me by surprise (as well as the kids), he then asked me (very casually) if I would "hold this for a sec"!  I am by no means a natural when it comes to snake handling and while I did oblige, I was very happy to hand it back!  Steve Irwin I am not! 

I felt blessed though, as the kids and adults absolutely loved the drumming side of the party, and were so grateful. It was pouring from start to finish but it made no difference, even the very youngest was in it to win it. We also had Mum & Dad up for a full-force drum solo, to the delight of all relatives.

I hung around for a little while and heard stories about England in the 60's, trailer reversing disasters and little two year olds's with crazy tempers.  It was then time to pack up, get soaked beyond belief and head to Wollongong for more party antics.

2) It rained all the way but I finally arrived to a very excited family, balloons marking the spot with cool decorations in place. Now it was time for around 25 x 8-11 year olds to get tribal, and they didn't disappoint. FULL of energy and desperate for a turn on the microphone, they were on fire and SO talented, I was amazed when they had a chance to make up their own rhythms - what they came up with inspiring!! They were going hard and couldn't wait to have their turn. Pure magic.


I got locked in the bathroom. The door totally jammed shut and there was no getting out!  So, after no-one heard my pleas for help, and my nail scratching attempts to slide the door open, I popped out the fly screen, climbed out the first floor window, slid down the drainpipe (in the pouring rain) and jumped about 7ft to the concrete below!  I then casually walked back around to join the party!  When I told the birthday Dad that I had just jumped out his first floor bathroom window he burst out laughing....he had meant to tell me "whatever you do, don't lock the bathroom door because you'll never get out!"....but he forgot!!  Oops!  Glad they saw the humorous side! Apparently many people had succumbed in the past. 

Then back through the rain I drove to the Central Coast, chuckling to myself and wondering what was going to happen next......

Moral of the just never know what might be in store for you so be prepared for anything, take it in your stride & roll with the punches or...wrangle the snakes!

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